School Policies & Regulations
Students should abide by the following district and school policies & regulations:
- Code of Conduct [HTML]
- Acceptable Use Policy: [HTML
- Lamberton Student and Family Guidebook: (PDF
- Lamberton Parent and Family Engagement Policy (PDF)
- Right to Know Letter: English (PDF) and Spanish (PDF)
- School Parent Compact: English, Spanish, French (PDF)
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Elementary students are not permitted in the schoolyard before 7:30 AM. Running, playing, karate, play fighting, snowballs and other rough games are dangerous and are NOT PERMITTED ON THE PREMISES. Students are to ask for assistance from any adult if they need assistance while the schoolyard.
Breakfast will be provided for students from 7:30 – 7:55AM in the Little School House cafeteria (Preschool-2nd). All students in grades 3rd-8th will eat breakfast in their classrooms at 8:00 AM.
School begins at 8:00 AM and ends at 2:39 PM. Students should report to their designated schoolyard door for admittance. Any student arriving after 8:00 am should enter through the Main Entrance at 75th & Woodbine.
Kindergarten – 2nd grade students are admitted to the LSH cafeteria at 7:30AM, and are dismissed from the LSH cafeteria at 2:39 PM. Students are late AFTER 8:10 AM!
3rd-8th grade students are admitted to the Schoolyard/Auditorium at 7:30 AM, and are dismissed from the Main Building into the school yard at 2:39 PM. Students are late AFTER 8:10 AM!
Regular attendance ensures the continuity of the educational program. If your child is absent from school, it is the responsibility of the parent to provide the teacher with a reason in writing (absent excuse note). Excessive absences and lateness are disruptive to the educational process and will unfortunately result in referral to Attendance Court. Additionally, students missing 10% of the required instructional time (180 days), is subject to failing the term.
Pre-K, K and 2 STUDENTS
If it becomes necessary for your child to leave the school premises before the end of the school day, he/she MUST BE SIGNED OUT FROM THE Little School House Front Office.
3rd-8th Grade STUDENTS
If it becomes necessary for your child to leave the school premises before the end of the school day, he/she MUST BE SIGNED OUT FROM THE MAIN OFFICE IN THE MAIN BUILDING FIRST, and picked up by their legal parent or guardian.
If any person other than a parent/guardian picks up your child, the child must have verifiable written permission from home. Early dismissals will not be granted after 11:00 AM on half-days; 2:00 PM on full-days. Early dismissals will only be granted for the following reasons: pupil illness, medical/dental appointments, court appearances, extreme family emergencies, religious holidays, authorized school activities, and other legitimate reasons determined by the principal.
During inclement weather, the Office of the Superintendent will decide whether or not schools will open. Announcements will be made by 6:00 AM on KYW–1060 AM and other radio stations. The school closing number for all Philadelphia Public Schools is 100. The district will also have announcements on their website: Philasd.org.